Please close all other office applications and OneDrive as well.
If you intend to use Time Machine (which is part of macOS) to back up your data, you may find instructions on how to do so here. Most notably, make sure you have a current backup of the folder ~/Library/Containers/ (whereas ~ refers to your home folder, usually /Users/).
If synchronization does not work as expected proceed as follows: If you see such an error message, log in to your old account see note above). If not, a note will appear in the top right corner of the window. It has the form (example: that the notebook is synchronized correctly.
You received an e-mail around 12 March 2020 informing you of the new name of the old account. This was renamed in the course of the global introduction of Microsoft 365 at the UZH. Important: This section is about your old Microsoft account.